Saturday 6th November 2021

It was very cold in the night - 0 degrees on the thermometer in our van when I turned on the heating this morning. The local police never came round to collect the parking fees however we did make a contribution to the economy of Pont Rean by buying some bread and cream cakes at the bakery before we left. We travelled north taking on diesel and LPG along the way. We stopped for the day at the village of Fervaches in Normandy. Here's the view from the side door of our van.

We are staying at the village's aire de camping car. The parking places are surrounded by low beautifully trimmed hedges.

There is a shady place to sit.

There is a very well designed service area. It costs 3 euros a night to stay here. You put the money in the letter box on the right of this picture.

There is even a place to play boule with a bench. Delightful - many thanks to the village.

We took a walk to the village centre. They have every amenity here. A grocery shop, a bar and a petrol station.

We walked round the church but couldn't go in as it was locked.

There is an enormous and certainly very ancient yew tree in the church yard.

Most of the grave stones are very elaborate.

Many of the grave stones have separate tributes from friends and family placed on top.

Near to the aire we made the acquaintance of some goats.

Some goats have very impressive horns.

There are lots of fungi around at this time of year.

Ann says this is a passion flower.

Today we travelled 96 miles (155 kilometres). We are at: N48.9951 W1.0815

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jcymru says it's a passion flower too. They are still in flower in my garden too. I'm enjoying the blog.