Tuesday 19th December 2017

The far west of Sicily feels far more African than European. Shortly after leaving our overnight parking place we stopped in a little village by the coast. A passing local pointed us in the direction of a water tap. He knew we needed water. I shook his hand and thanked him. 

Next to the tap there was a small fishing port.

We moved on south east to the stunning Greek/Carthaginian/ Roman ancient site at Selinute.

There are the remains of 6 ancient Greek temples here. This one has been largely reconstructed. It seems that the temples were destroyed by the Carthaginians in 409 BC.

Ann is standing next to the columns  to give some idea of the scale.

Nearby are the remains of a much much bigger temple. I don't know how Hannibal and his mates managed to knock this one down if indeed they did. Looks to me more likely the work of an earthquake!

This ruined temple must have been absolutely enormous. Here Ann stands by one of the fallen columns to give some idea of the scale.

We were allowed to take our camper van onto the ancient site. Here is the outer wall of the Greek/Carthaginian/Roman city.


There are 3 further temples in this part of the site one of which has been partially reconstructed.

Nearby there are some ancient burials.

Here's another view of the partially reconstructed temple.

Here's the main drag through the ancient city. Dual carriageway?

We've found a marvellous parking place nearby to spend the night.

Here's the view out of the sliding door on the side of our van.

Here's the sunset this evening.

Today we travelled 46 miles (74 kilometres).  We are at N37.58189 E12.84876

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