Thursday 6th October 2022

This morning I took a walk into Rauville village. Ann was chatting to the man from the van next to us as I was leaving. Apparently they are from the New Forest and are on their way home from down south where it was very hot.

I bought a few items in the village grocery shop. When we stay in a nice place we try to make a contribution to the community's economy if we can.

We serviced the van at the Aire before travelling south to the Abbye de Hambye which we had tried to visit in April this year but found it closed. When we arrived the Abbye had just closed for a two hour lunch break so after having a cup of tea and some toast we continued south to Lampenty where we stopped for the day. We're parked at the Aire de Camping Car next to the lake. We stayed here in April this year but couldn't remember what it was like until we got back here today.

Ann took a walk around the lake.

She remembered this duck house from when we visited earlier this year.

There's a shrine just uphill on the far side of the lake.

We're not sorry to have visited here again so soon after the last time. 

Today we travelled 90 miles (145 kilometres). We are at: N48.5785 W1.0090


A Richards said...

Hope you both have a lovely time! It's always interesting to see where you and the van get to. :-)

Roger and Ann said...

Great to hear from you Alex! Thanks for looking at our blog. Roger and Ann.