Thursday 30th November 2017

First thing this morning a big ferry came in and docked at the ferry terminal at Porto Vecchio close to where we were parked overnight.

Before leaving Porto Vecchio we sneaked our van into the area of the harbour reserved for professional fishing persons and used their water supply to fill our fresh water tank. What with the Harbourmasters's posh toilets yesterday and this today I'm beginning to think we are chancing our arm sometimes!

Having done a supermarket shop we finally left Porto Vecchio and moved to the coast on the south west side of Corsica. We stopped at this marvelous view point called Roccapina.

There are some very interesting granite rocks around here.

We moved on to Cauria to visit the megalithic sites there. The road down to the sites was in very poor condition so we left the van and walked.

This is the Stantari Alignment.

Some of the menhirs have faces carved onto them.

Here's another menhir with a "face".

This is the alignment of Renaju. Situated in a grove of trees, enigmatic and difficult to photograph adequately. This place has a potent aura to it!

The third site here is the Dolmen of Fontanaccia. This is a burial chamber which would have originally been covered with an earth mound which has eroded away.

These three sites are in a remote location surrounded by stupendous granite rock formations.

From Cauria we drove down to the coast at Tizzano but not finding anywhere nice to park for the day we retraced our route and stopped at the town of Sartene where we found this very large, very flat and almost empty car park quite close the the town centre. We didn't venture into town as we both had some degree of megalithic back.

Today we traveled 63 miles (101 kilometres). We are at N41.61931  E8.96991


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