Tuesday 6th October

We came back north to Salin de Giraud, then further north, then west and finally south again to Saintes Maries de la Mer. Saw these flamingos along the way.

We parked at the town aire right by the beach. Aire costs 12 euros per 24 hours - first time we have paid for overnight parking on this trip. Our journey today was 54 miles (87 kilometres) distance.

The town is very nice indeed if a bit touristy. I suppose that's what you'd expect around here and who are we if not tourists?

The church was unfortunately closed to the public for renovation works. This was a disappointment to us as it reputedly houses an effigy of Sarah, a servant of Jesus's aunt, who was supposedly cast adrift, with her employer, from Palestine 2000 years ago in a boat with no sails or oars and was eventually washed up here!!! Apparently every year in May there is a massive gathering of gypsies and they ceremonially carry the effigy into the sea (from whence she came) and she is blessed by the local Bishop from a nearby fishing boat. Shocking!

It was lovely warm sunny weather. We had a paddle in the Med. Later on after dark there was an amazing electric storm which seemed to go on for hours.

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