Saturday 10th October

It was very cold in the night. When we got up there was frost on the van and on the surrounding vegetation. When the sun finally reached us from behind the mountain these wild Mallards from the reservoir came to visit us. We gave them some stale bread which they seemed to like. Don't people round here shoot ducks? Surely they should be frightened of humans.

From Matemale we made the very short journey to Mont Louis, an old French fortress, which is still used as the training centre for the French army commandos. Interesting place to wander around with a small town inside the fortifications and the commando base up at the top of the hill.

From Mont Louis we drove through the Spanish town of Llivia which is entirely surrounded by French territory and then on into Spain proper, or should I say Catalunya. This region is seeking independence from Spain. The flags on this house in Martinet, just south of Andorra, where we are stopped for the night, say it all. - FC Barcelona and Catalunya!

We came 43 miles (69 kilometres) today. Apologies for not posting more photos - the upload speed on mobile broadband here in Martinet is very narrow band indeed!

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