Thursday 8th June 2017

It was a beautiful morning today at our parking place. These marsh marigolds were growing just down on the sea shore from us.

There were a few old and not so old geysers hanging around by the time we were ready to leave.

We continued south down the west coast of Finland. We stopped along the way to take on diesel and water and bought some wine at the state monopoly strong alcohol shop which in Finland is appropriately called Alko. I have an application on my phone which will guide me to the nearest Alko shop! We stopped for the day by a marina at a little place called Pohjoiisatama. There are some beautiful rocks here recently exposed from under the sea by the continued rising up of the land following its release from the pressure of the ice cap at the end of the last ice age.

Modern day "artists" have made their impression on these rocks in the same way as the prehistoric ones did at Alta thousands of years ago.

There is a small house on a small island close to our parking place.

The marina here is very popular with boats going in and out frequently.

We saw lots of birds. This duck has got tufts on each side of its head. Any ideas as to which species?

Here it is again with its mate(?)

It's getting late now. There is quite a nice sunset. Finnish time is two hours ahead of Britain so I'll have to wait up till 24.00 here to get the first exit poll results on BBC World TV. I fear the worst - years more of inward looking, foreigner scapegoating, rich getting richer, poor getting poorer, useless Tory Government. Maybe I'll have a dream tonight that things could be different but when I wake up I'm afraid things will be the same!

Today we traveled 120 miles (193 kilometres). We are at N64.09091 E23.58681

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