Friday 9th June 2017

It was quite a nice morning today, made even nicer by the knowledge that the Tories had lost their overall majority in parliament. We set off south again down the west coast of Finland stopping for the day at the village of Grisseloren and parking by the marina. Here's the view from our van.

This is a very small low key place. There are some nice old sheds here.

This place majors on boats. There is also very good internet access - you can see the mast in the background.

This is a typical kind of view you get on the coast round here. The water close to the shore tends to be very shallow with virtually no tidal variation, Also being so far from the open sea the water is not salty and readily freezes in winter.

Here's a view towards our parking place from the other side of the marina.

The thing you see behind our van is a raft with a hut on top! We have seen a few of these since we've been in Finland. It seems that they get taken out to sea to catch fish and then the crew barbie the catch and have a party on board!

To day we traveled 72 miles (116 kilometres). We are at N63.61288 E22.49091

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