Saturday 10th June 2017

It was quite misty this morning on the coast but when we finally got going and moved a few kilometres inland the weather became bright and sunny, We stopped to buy groceries before traveling south through the city of Vaasa. Finland has lots of trees and logging is a massive industry here.

We turned off the main road a few times down minor roads to the coast until we finally settled for this parking spot just outside the village of Blaxnas.

We are right next to the sea.

Next to our parking place is this really nice barbecuing hut.

Just across the unmade road is a rudimentary toilet.

There are several empty fishing persons huts and boathouses here. I have the impression that this is a former fishing village which has been supplanted by desirable residences.

We got our bikes out and went for a ride through the adjoining forest, Some of it was quite primeval.

Ann reckons she saw some moose poo along the way.

Some of our ride was along really rough forest tracks.

As we came back to the village we saw this really nice welcome sign.

We saw lots of birds from our parking place. It's about 24.00 now and it's actually starting to get dark - we haven't seen anything like this for weeks!

We traveled 121 miles (195 kilometres) today. We are at N62.68007 E21.10432

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