Tuesday 23rd May 2017

This morning we continued on route 17 then branched off east onto route 760 before turning north on E6. We saw two moose along the way. Crossing the border from Nord Trondelag into Nordland region we encountered this dramatic border sign.

Going north on the E6 we passed through some amazing country with snow covered hills, frozen lakes and miles and miles of forest.

We stopped for the day at this brilliant lakeside parking area at Store. This is as near to you get to a French aire in Norway. It costs 100 NOK per night to stay here. You put the money in an envelope and post it into the honesty box.

Here's the view through the side door of our van. This is an incredibly beautiful place. We turned on our TV and managed to pick up BBC World News to hear of the tragic events in Manchester.

Ann lit a fire - the first one we've had on this trip.

It's about 23.15 now and it's not really getting very dark at all.

Today we traveled 97 miles (156 kilometres). We are at N65.32479 E13.37692

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