This morning the rain had stopped and we had a walk around Ravenna. Here's another view of the fortress of Rocca di Brancaleone which we were parked next to.

In the centre of Ravenna is Piazza del Popolo - the square of the people.

Nearby is the church of San Francesco. The crypt is flooded to a depth of about 75 centimetres and there is the remains of a mosaic floor.

Also nearby is the modern tomb of Dante the renaissance poet, author of Inferno and Divine Comedy, who died in Ravenna in 1381.

As you will have realised Dante's remains were not originally in the present modern tomb. He was first buried in San Francesco church but when the church authorities in Florence, where he originally came from, decided they wanted his bones back, the monks in Ravenna hid them! They were subsequently "found" and buried in this mound during the second world war for "safe keeping".

We also visited Ravenna Cathedral - The Duomo - which as well as its dome has this cylindrical tower. The original cathedral was destroyed by an earthquake in 1733 and rebuilt soon after.

The Duomo is quite ornate inside which is not unusual for churches round here.

Elsewhere in the city there is a leaning tower - I don't know what it's called.

After looking round Ravenna this morning we made the journey north west out of Emilia Romagna and into Lombardy to the city of Mantova. We are parked in a very posh aire just over the lake from the historic centre. It's raining this evening but hopefully it will clear up by the morning as we are looking forward to walking round the centre of Mantova which was recommended to us as a good place to visit by my old school pal Joe.

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