This morning after having a blown headlamp bulb in our van replaced and doing some grocery shopping we had a walk around Cahors. We are parked right by the river Lot close to this bridge.

We visited the Cathedral which has an interesting domed roof.

Here's the inside of one of the domes.

Also there are some nice stained glass windows.

The highlight of Cahors is undoubtedly the stunning fourteenth century Pont Valentre.

This is apparently one of the most photographed monuments in France and it is easy to see why. Originally there was a portcullis under each tower!

Here's a view across the Lot to our parking place.Our van is the middle one of three.


John Warren said...

These are lovely pics - keep it up!

Roger and Ann said...

Hi John, Thanks for your comment. I'm not sure who you are! Should I know you? Best wishes, Roger.

Roger and Ann said...

Now I get it! John Warren = Sporan! Roger.