Sunday 25th December 2016

It was wet and misty in Sarinena this morning. We had showers and serviced the van. We set off south crossing vast expanses of semi desert often shrouded in mist.

We moved on into more hilly country characterised by very poor rocky soil.

We stopped for the day at the town of Valderrobres in Aragon. Here's the view from our parking place.

There is a nice old bridge.

The bridge leads through a magnificent old gateway into the old town. High above is the Castle and the Church.

We walked up through narrow streets, alleys and staircases.

Eventually we arrived at the Castle (closed today because it's Christmas).

Next door to the Castle is the Church. It was locked - certainly no welcome here on Christmas day!

The (locked) church door is quite magnificent,

These fine effigies are on the right hand side of the door.

There are some Modern? gargoyles adorning the church.

There are lots of fish in the river here. We photographed this one while going back over the bridge from the old town to our van. I'm not sure what species it is - clearly not a trout or salmon as it has no adipose fin.

Back at our van we had the by now traditional Richards/Haworth family Christmas dinner of Beans on toast.

This year we washed the beans down with a very nice bottle of Cotes du Rhone Villages given to us by Steve and Margaret our neighbours in Widecombe - many thanks.

As the sun went down we saw a really nice light on the castle and the church.

Today we traveled 91 miles (147 kilometres). We are at N40.87390 E0.15573


Andy Davey said...

Happy Christmas both, from Andy and Annette

ronanmoore said...

A very Happy Christmas to you Roger and Ann. We had beef pot roast for our Christmas dinner while Richard and Leslie ate Christmas lunch outdoors on the other side of the world in Sydney.

Anne-Marie Quinn said...

I have no idea why the previous account went out under my son-in-law's name. Anne-Marie

Roger and Ann said...

Hi Anne-Marie, Andy and Annette,

Many thanks for your messages. Best wishes to you all for the new year.

Anne- Marie,

The reason your first message appeared to come from Ronan is likely because the device you used to send it was logged on to Ronan's Google account!

Best wishes, Roger.