Saturday 7th May

Today we did some serious heading east. Mostly on major roads but at times on small country lanes. Here's a small village we passed by.

Much of the journey was through woodland interspersed by lakes.

As in Germany rapeseed is widely grown - surely more than you need for cooking and salad dressing - biofuel perhaps?

We found a marvelous wild camping spot in front of an abandoned hotel near the town of Czluchov. We are about halfway between Poznan and Gdansk.

We are just by a lake - here's the view out of our van door.

The abandoned hotel is a bit spooky! Here's a view in through one of the windows.

Here's round the back. There is good free wifi here - where is that coming from?

There are many birds on the lake - swans, grebes and ducks.

The light was fantastic as the sun got low.

Here's a telephoto to the far lake shore.

We traveled 130 miles (209 kilometres) today


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