Saturday 14th May

Quite nearby is an area where the National Park authorities exhibit captive examples of the large mammals which live in the Bialowieza Forest. Here Red Deer.

Bison. These were on the point of extinction in Europe and were reintroduced here from captivity. There are about 300 in the Polish part of the forest and 500 in the Belarus part.

Elk (known as Moose in North America).

Wild Pig.

Roe Deer.

Tarpan (wild horses).

Lynx (very difficult to photograph) and Wolves which we saw but didn't manage to photograph.

We moved on to a car park on the north eastern border of the National Park just a few hundred metres from the border with Belarus. I took this telephoto of the signs marking the border. There were other notices warning not to approach the border. Not sure why.

Walking in the woods we came upon an abandoned cemetery. Apparently the village to which it belonged was obliterated by the German military in 1941.

We thought that this would be a nice quiet spot to spend the night but during the evening we  were accosted by a man who indicated that we couldn't camp here. Ann explained to him that we were parking not camping.

We traveled 24 miles (39 kilometres) today.

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