The next morning, Thursday 18th June we got a better look at the seals from slightly further west along the loch shore. There were at least 70 of them resting on the sandbanks exposed at low tide.

We moved on up the east coast and found a good stopping place overlooking the sea just south of Wick in Caithness.

Ann visited the nearby Castle of Old Wick.

Apparently it was very windy up there and she was worried about being blown off the cliff top!

I went fishing and as usual didn't catch any fish. Just as I was giving up there was a horrific incident when a Tern (small sea bird) got tangled in my fishing line. I managed to untangle the bird and it flew off apparently unscathed. Nearby some academics were flying a drone with a camera as part of some geological research they were doing. Here I am chatting to one of them just after the bird incident - I must be the worst fishing person in the world - all I can catch is birds!

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