Wednesday 24th October 2018

It was quite overcast this morning. We set off south east and soon crossed from France into Switzerland. There was not so much as a sign marking where the border was. It was completely seamless. This is how civilised countries, one within the EU and one not in the EU, deal with each other. Surely there must be a lesson here for our clueless politicians in Britain! We stopped briefly to take in the view.

We stopped at the Aire de Camping Cars in the town of Sangnelegier and serviced the van. There were these nice statues of horses (or zebras?) next to the Aire.

There is a cycle track running past the Aire so we got our bikes out and started riding along it. However there were too many ups and downs for our liking so we soon returned to our van and packed up the bikes! We're wimps when it comes to riding up hills.

The Aire at Sangnelegier wasn't really to our taste so we moved on to this beautiful forest clearing nearby and stopped for the day.

There was another van here when we arrived.

We went for a walk in the forest which is mainly composed of these enormous old conifers which I think are cedars.

When we approached this particular tree we disturbed a large owl which was roosting in it. The owl flew away in a huff!

This is obviously a commercial forest. We passed these huge logs on the way back to our van. When we returned the other van had gone so we have the place to ourselves.

Today we travelled 42 miles (68 kilometres). We are at N47.25050 E7.05944


Unknown said...

You've just missed Chambery Photography Museum, I mentioned it during your previous trip. Another time maybe?

Some great forest places you've found to stay, and (I agree) however did they build that cathedral?

All is OK back home, I think the Indian Summer has finally come to an end.


Roger and Ann said...

Hi Steve,

Many thanks for your comment.

Sorry to hear that the weather in Widecombe is deteriorating. It's still okay here but the forecast is for rain(snow?).

Best wishes, Roger.