Saturday 27th October 2018

A bit of a frustrating day but quite "interesting"! It rained in the night and rained all day. Rain round here means snow high up. We tried to travel east but found that the Sustenpass was closed. We then tried to go south and found (surprise surprise) that the Grimselpass was also closed. Eventually we came north over a lower pass and stopped at the village of Giswil. There are dedicated camper van parking spaces here!

High above the village stands the church.

There is a nice old wood covered bridge over the river.

Here's another view of the bridge.

There is a free camper van service point. That's about as far as the village plus points go. 

The combined bakery and restaurant advertised a tempting menu of the day at a reasonable price. We turned up, sat down and when asked what we'd like to drink asked for two glasses of water. When the menu arrived the menu of the day advertised outside was not on it and when we asked for it we were told it was not available.

We decided to give it a miss. The bill for the 2 glasses of water came to 9.60 SF = £7.50.

Today we travelled 46 miles (74 kilometres). We are at N46.83266 E8.17914

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