Saturday 19th June 2021

Before leaving North Ferriby this morning we went for a walk. We saw these old timbers sticking out of the mud on the estuary beach. Maybe the remains of old coastal defences put there to mitigate erosion of the shoreline?

We also saw this interesting inter tidal vegetation. 

The sun came out. It was much better weather than yesterday.

Just inland we came across this pool.....

.....and these donkeys.

The pool is apparently an old clay pit which has been flooded by the estuary.

After leaving North Ferriby we travelled north stopping off in Beverley to take on diesel. We came on north and stopped for the day at a small parking place high on the North York Moors. Here's a view from our van.

Numerous sheep came to visit us during the afternoon and evening. A bit reminiscent of Widecombe.

I thought I had kept my shadow out of this pic of our van.

The sun went down behind the moor at about 21.30  Much later than in Devon at this time of year.

Today we travelled 90 miles (145 kilometres). We are at: N54.40813 W0.95804

1 comment:

Annette clarke said...

Great views ! Glad the weather has picked up for you