Monday 5th November 2018

When we got up this morning the Sunday afternoon crowds had all gone.

It's a truly enormous parking place.

Very nice place - we were sorry to leave.

We made the shortish journey to the town of Grado - almost on an island in the Adriatic. We came into town along this causeway. 

We parked at the town Aire. The pay barriers are up but the electricity and water are on. We got our bikes out.

We cycled into town on the dual carriageway cycle track.

Town is very watery with lots of boats.

When we got to the centre we left our bikes and wandered around on foot.

We saw this fountain.

We also saw this police car.

There are lots of narrow streets.

The church is quite impressive from the outside.

It is even more impressive inside sporting numerous columns and capitals filched from nearby roman ruins.

The font is made from a hollowed out roman capital.

There are some fine old frescos in the church.

The church has a magnificent mosaic floor.

There are numerous roman and post roman remains all around.

We walked down to the sea front. There is a massive coastal defence here.

We found the way back to our bikes and cycled back to the aire - nice town - well worth visiting.

Today we travelled 44 miles (71 kilometres). We are at N45.68253 E13.41354


Annette clarke said...

What a lovely sounding town, I like the look of the off road cycle track and the church mosaics.It's great finding an Aire which ticks a lot of the boxes.Enjoying the increase in photos on your blog.Do u complete your entries on computer? When I do the blog on the phone, I can only download three photos,captions have to be entered later by Andy on the computer. Keep up the good work !

Roger and Ann said...

Hi S,

Many thanks for your appreciative comments about my blog. I take the photos with a Panasonic camera and then transfer them all to a laptop. Yes I do all the blogging on the laptop - I wouldn't be able to do it on a smartphone - it would be a mess. I upload the photos one at a time and do a caption, then upload another etc etc.

Andy says you've had a positive health report - I'm really pleased to hear this.
