Sunday 5th March 2017

We woke up to another beautiful sunny day. Polarlys was docked at Trondheim and the northbound Hertegrute MS Nordlys (pictured here) was docked just behind us

The public face and voice of MS Polarlys on this trip has been Marko. He is variously described as Tour Manager, Expedition Leader and Host. He seems to make most of the PA announcements as well as giving briefings and talks. He is German but lives in Norway and speaks fluent Norwegian and English. Here he is giving a briefing on the procedure for leaving the ship at Bergen tomorrow.

There are a few more places on this ship which I haven't shown you yet. Here's the gift shop. If you need to look at the price then you can't afford to buy it.

I mentioned the "fine dining" and the king crabs the other day.

Each crab has a tag with a bar code on it. Apparently you can check on its provenance on the internet. I feel quite a lot of sympathy for these crabs as they wait in their tank for someone to eat them.

Next to the "fine dining" area is the Bistro. I had a smallish glass of beer here a few days ago - only 795 NOK (circa £7.90).

At about 16.30 we docked at Kristiansund.

It looks like a nice town but we weren't there long enough to have a chance to wander around.

The church looks very austere and Nordic.

Some of the passengers are off on excursions and are going to rejoin the ship at Molde, our next port.

This afternoon I splashed out again on a glass of beer. There is a map of Norway on the glass with a red dot to show where the brewery is. This beer is from Tromso - reputedly the northernmost brewery in the world.

As we headed out of Kristiansund there was some beautiful evening sunlight on the hills.

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