Thomas Becket got a raw deal

On Wednesday 19th February we travelled south over the Thames at the Dartford Bridge which carries the M25 traffic south while the northbound M25 goes through the Dartford Tunnel.

We soon reached Canterbury and parked at the New Dover Road Park and ride which has excellent facilities for campervans and costs £3 for 24 hours including unlimited bus rides in and out of the City Centre.

When we got to the Cathedral Ann gave the receptionist her  usual line about being on a pilgrimage from York to Canterbury and we got in free yet again!

It is a very impressive cathedral but I think I prefer Ely.

Thomas Becket, an Archbishop of Canterbury in the 13th Century was murdered in the Cathedral by Knights acting on behalf of the King. Apparently Thomas didn't even want the job in the first place but the King persuaded him to take it! 300 years later a future king ordered his shrine in the cathedral to be destroyed.

Today 20th February dawned wet and dismal. We travelled to visit Ann's daughter Kerry and her partner Gareth and son Henry further to the west in Kent.

Going home

We left Kerry and Gareth's on Friday 21st February after a mega cooked breakfast. We then visited Bodiam Castle in Sussex which is owned by the National Trust.

Ann climbed up one of the towers to take this photo.

Later in the day we visited Sheffield Park Garden also in Sussex and also National Trust. We stayed the night in the village car Park at Horstead Keynes in West Sussex.

On Saturday 22nd February we continued west to the New Forest in Hampshire but we found it to be "hostile territory" with officious no overnight parking signs in all the car parks. We therefore moved on to the town of Fordingbridge and parked in the local authority long stay car park. We went for a walk around to see the floods.

Fordingbridge had obviously been quite seriously flooded - lots of sandbags still in doorways.

Today Sunday 23rd February we returned home to Widecombe. There had obviously been more flooding while we were away but the house is fine if a little bit cold.

Our journey lasted 19 days and we covered 1242 miles (equivalent to 2000 kilometres).


Tim Weller said...

"When we got to the Cathedral Ann gave the receptionist her usual line about being on a pilgrimage from York to Canterbury and we got in free yet again!"
I am shocked, Roger!

Roger and Ann said...

I was shocked too!


Tim Weller said...

I am glad Roger, you are still as sensitive a soul as I am!

Do drop in and see us in heavenly Halesowen, the home of atheists, agnostics and the devout, on one of your travels. It would be really good to meet up, again after all these years, Roger. There is much news to catch up with. We would love to feed and water you or, put you up for a night. Tim (