Atheists' pilgrimage continues

On Saturday 15th February we visited Lincoln Cathedral. Got in free again as Ann told the person taking the money that we were on a pilgrimage from York to Canterbury! The cathedral was founded by St Hugh in AD 1077. He was the first Norman Bishop in Britain.

On 16th February we visited Tattershall Castle in Lincolnshire (National Trust). Beautiful Sunny day - quite a change! Found a nice parking place for the night in a forest near Sandringham in Norfolk. Didn't see the Queen.

On 17th February we visited Ely Cathedral. The most impressive one yet! Ann's pilgrimage line got us in free yet again.

As this sign in the Cathedral explains it was founded by St Etheldreda in AD 673. Unfortunately the unenlighted bishop in charge in 1541 destroyed her shrine, smashed all the medieval stained glass and effigies in the cathedral!

Today, 18th February we went to look at Ann's old home, Lyons Hall, near Great Leighs in Essex. It was not totally as she remembered it from 40 years ago - some bits knocked down and some new bits built.

Tonight we are parked at Hockley Woods in Essex. Earlier this afternoon we went for a very muddy walk in the these woods which are apparently the largest remaining ancient wild wood in Essex.

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